Provides an introduction to the use of statistical methods for analyzing biological data. Introduces methods for describing and displaying data, the role and use of probability in describing and understanding living systems, hypothesis testing, and how to design experiments. Biological data and R—a free, open-source statistical software package—are used to gain proficiency with these tools.
Format: Lecture, Recitation
Prerequisites: PoB2 (BIOL-UA 12 or 9012)
Corequisites: None
Location: New York
Equivalent(s): None
Course Description
Term(s) offered:
Requirements satisfied:
- Major: Biology Standard Track
- Upper-Level Elective
- Quantitative Skills
- Advanced Biology
- Major: Ecology Track
- Upper-Level Elective
- Quantitative Skills
- Advanced Biology
- Major: GPH/Biology
- Additional Elective
- Minor: Environmental Biology
- Elective
- Upper-Level Elective
- Quantitative Skills
- Advanced Biology
- Upper-Level Elective
- Upper-Level Elective
- Quantitative Skills
- Advanced Biology
- Upper-Level Elective
- Additional Elective
- Additional Elective
- Elective
- Elective