Vertebrate Anatomy


Study of the evolutionary development of backboned animals, with emphasis on the mammals. Treats the major organ systems of vertebrate groups, with stress on structural-functional interpretations. Laboratory work includes detailed dissection of representative vertebrates. Field trips to the American Museum of Natural History help illustrate some of the topics.

Format: Lecture, Laboratory

Prerequisites: BIOL-UA 11 or BIOL-AD 101 or BIOL-UA 9011 AND BIOL-UA 12 or BIOL-UA 9012 or BIOL-UA 21, MCB1 (BIOL-UA 21)

Corequisites: None

Location: New York

Equivalent(s): None

Course Description

Term(s) offered:

Requirements satisfied:
  • Major: Biology Standard Track
      • Upper-Level Elective
          • Advanced Biology
  • Major: Ecology Track
      • Upper-Level Elective
          • Advanced Biology
  • Major: GPH/Biology
      • Additional Elective