Current Topics in Earth System Science: The Science of Mass Extinction


This course examines the revolution in the Earth Sciences that is taking place
through the realization that catastrophes have been an important part of
Earth history, and have profoundly affected the evolution and history of life.
Probably the best known mass-extinction event was the disappearance of
the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, caused by the impact of a giant asteroid
or comet on the Earth. Recurrent mass extinctions can apparently be caused
by extraterrestrial and/or terrestrial factors. We will examine the record of
mass extinctions, and discuss the potential causes of these events. Along the
way, we will take up the nature the geologic record and the basics of the
determination of relative and absolute geologic time as they relate to mass-
extinction events. The history of the development in this field provides
valuable insights into the nature and evolution of scientific ideas in the 21st


Prerequisites: None

Corequisites: None

Location: New York


Term(s) offered: None

Requirements satisfied: None